All abstracts must be submitted before 31 Jul 2024, 11:59pm (GMT+8).
Please do note that NO payment is required upon abstract submission. Notably, abstracts will only be fully accepted if the presenting author has registered and paid within 30 calendar days upon notification of pre-acceptance.
More instructions will be informed to corresponding author after the pre-acceptance of abstract.
The presentations will be held during parallel sessions relating to one of the six strands of the conference. Please indicate which strand your abstract is best positioned from one (1) of following strands:
Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Policy
Pharmacy Practice
Clinical Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Enforcement
Medical Sciences
Word count: 250 to 350 words
Written in British / American English.
It is the author’s responsibility to proofread and ensure no errors in the content before submission.
Submit in the form of a structured abstract: Objectives, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
Please download the template of abstract HERE.
Please indicate the type of presentation that you intended during submission.
Oral Presentation: Authors of the highest rated submissions in each of the strands will be invited to present their work in a maximum of 10 minutes, followed by a brief question & answer session (max. 5 minutes). Five abstracts per strand will be selected for an oral presentation.
Brief Poster Presentation: Authors of other highly rated submissions will be invited to give a brief oral presentation of a poster on their work (no slides). The presentation should be limited to 5 minutes and will be followed by a brief question & answer session (max. 5 minutes). Four abstracts per strand will be selected for a brief poster presentation.
E-Posters (without oral presentation): The remaining accepted submissions can be displayed as a poster (no formal presentation, for viewing only) in a defined exhibition area.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (JoPPP). The Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (JoPPP) is a leading pharmacy journal (2022 Cite Score 4.1; Impact Factor 4.2) and is published by Taylor and Francis.
The Scientific Programme Committee will evaluate the abstract based on methods, implications on policy and practice, clinical and cross-border learning, and contribution to conference strands.
Excellence in Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Policy Research Award
Outstanding Pharmacy Practice Research Award
Best Clinical Pharmacy Research Award
Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Award
Excellence in Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Enforcement Research Award
Best Medical Sciences Research Award
Distinguished Oral Presentation Award
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award
Confirm originality and consent during abstract submission.
Abstracts are subject to editing for publication.